JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society
JES! On new thinking and acting, on economics for people, on fundamental human rights and how we can live the lives we choose for our selves in a joint effort society.
Update January 22, 2016
As Martin Luther King said: ‘The biggest threat to humanity is not the evil of the bad people. It is the passivity of the good ones.’ Most people belong to the good ones, it is time for them to speak up and take action.
Destructive tendencies, such as terrorist attacks on innocent civilians & the reactions of diverse EU politicians, who claim we are at war. A rising number of refugees, around 60 million worldwide – most of them in neighboring countries, under harrowing conditions – and the reactions of diverse EU politicians, who threaten to close the borders of nations, who betray the European dream of peace with neoliberal politics. The fear and hatred that power-hungry populists spit out in one-liners and that feeds on itself.
These trends need to be countered by a vision of peace and progress. JES! offers such a vision and at least makes one rethink their biases. Studio nonfiXe wants to make the book accessible for all by spreading a free pdf containing the whole content.
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JES! applied to the crisis of beliefs: Needed: Radical Change for Peace by nonfiXe
JES! reviewed:
- Unleashed on JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society
- Controversy on JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society
- JES! My Thoughts by Fran Lewis
- Bezinningsbureau over JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society
- Rudy Vans bespreekt JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society
- Het Einde van de Competitie – JES! Aardewerk.be
Click to look inside JES! Preview
Order JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society Printed version
ISBN: 978.94.90665.111 / Price: € 34,-
Order JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society e-book
ISBN e-book: 978.94.90665.104 / Price: € 7,50
for a free pdf, email caro @ nonfixe.nl
Frank van Empel (1954, Tilburg, The Netherlands), economist and social scientist, worked as editor (economy and politics) for some of the main Dutch newspapers and weeklies, such as Haagse Post, Elsevier and NRC Handelsblad. He is Indie writer and entrepreneur since 1997 and published on economics, management, sustainable development and policy-making. Frank is also the co-author of Allemaal Winnen, the Dutch forerunner of JES!
Caro Sicking (1963, Tilburg, The Netherlands), linguist and art critic, has been working with irregular migrated women and children in the Netherlands from 1996. She is Indie writer since 2003, publishing on human rights, migration, art, politics and environment, as well as fiction. The novels Nin , Wat de Hel! and Asfour, over verraad are her most recent fiction books.
Studio nonfiXe
29 januari 2015
English books
joint effort
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